Saturday 20 May 2017

Law, loss, chaos, shame and lies

Comments into this page into the theme of (international) law and lies.

In reply to Stern Daler who said
... But what is the use when it does not protect the weaker. IMHO Law is to protect the weaker not the stronger.
The redistribution of force or indeed an underlying judgement of guilt, invalidation and penalty, can lead to 'weakness' being given power - while the Law ITSELF holds that power. The idea of law is fundamental - and lawyers, like priests, can subvert and usurp just as can the iron fist that says "Because _I_ say so!" and uses terror and deceit to push out any rival 'god' and prevail over or hold in check that which cannot be eradicated dominated or subverted. Weaponized 'law' is the lie and the father of the lie - for it serves vengeance and self-specialness regardless the mask of 'fairness' distorted to use forms of 'accepted truths' only as such agenda can exploit.

The idea of law has two facets - and one is of limiting loss or chaos and disorder - but according to WHOSE plan or set of definitions? The other is of a just and equal meeting of needs in a wholeness of being - and within the self-conflicted, there is no felt relation or recognition OF wholeness of being - but only a sense of the loss of such at another's hand - and the inability to resume or regain such a life until vengeance serves justice.

We have in these times a complex entanglement in 'power struggles' that are also identity conflict, managed under the definitions and terms by which we identify ourselves and our reality. Power resides in the capacity to recognize truly - for deceits - knowing or unknowing, breed conflicted and entangled outcomes - regardless any temporary seeming advantage to one over another. The narrative reality is a masking reality - indeed a kind of 'augmented' reality experience - and cares not what system of governance (identity) you think you have as long as it has this central currency control.

Law seems to be asserted and imposed upon us in many ways extremely unfairly, and to be often toothless in will or capacity to protect against violation as a result of its own corruption. I see 'power' put outside ourselves whether in grievance at being unfairly treated or in supplication to a power of vengeance brought 'on side' or co-opted to force into balance by equal and opposite reaction.

I often am reminded of the saying to give unto God what is due unto God and to give unto Caesar what is due unto Caesar. Many cannot begin to feel into this because their identification forbids it. But the Law of our unfoldment of being is not narrative control - where worldly power is the 'jealous god syndrome' whether masked in the FORMS of religion, medicine, science, or political or philosophic discourse.

So the FORMS of things that symbolize truths beyond objective definition - are used to mask and protect a lie of self-specialness whose first consciousness is of being victim to abandonment or violation - upon which it build dissociated identities of entangled special 'loves' and corresponding hatreds.

I see the highest potentials of our healing in genuine communication - but mark that our conceptual currencies of thought have been built to DENY and defend AGAINST this - and that reclaiming a true communication within and among us is counter to millennia of conditioning. However, it rises from a point of recognition that is outside the 'box' of fear-controlled survival dictates - and grows a capacity of noticing and discernment that fear forbids - even while seeming to operate as protector. The idea of Law is of yielding to true - and this is not coercive upon anyone - but must be seen as such by any coercive attempt - for we see in terms of our own undercurrent beliefs.

Truth is not 'determined' so much as uncovered by a willingness for it. Identity politics - on any level - operates assertion over truth that distorts and filters only to allow what that identity allows. Because the manipulative intent of such 'identity' is becoming more openly visible, we may recognize the pattern at work in all - rather than exclusively fixated in target-others. The recognition of the deceiver - as I use this term - is of its futility and meaninglessness of persisting in. But the targeting of hate in the other, overlooks the hook within the bait - and willingly recycles a persistence in what can only deprive and deny a true inheritance of being in exchange for a false. Entrance the matrix of a 'managed reality' here - or put it behind in a fresh willingness for true alignment.

The outer can only reflect the inner and the denial or evasion of the inner can only play out as tyrannous denials of our right to be in external terms. I find hatred for the murder and enslavement of my fellow beings - and yet that toxic wish for the power to STOP it, has a correspondence in my own 'narrative control' identity.

Perhaps no one releases vengeance until its false god really hits home. Self-hatred - denied - mounts ever more actively us the undercurrent of a masking reality - and now that mask itself breaks down and 'chaos' breaks in everywhere against a futile and utterly corrupted attempt to 'control' it. These are one and the same.
Loss of control is really loss of communication - and the false world that arose like a fig leaf over such a shame is predicated upon terror that re-enacts  the breakdown OF communication in terms that set the compulsion to regain it.

If a choice is between lies - what choice is that but power struggle under rule of deceit?
But the nature of the mind of deceit to hide from shame of exposure and undoing is to 'know not what it does' by investing forcefully in a narrative dissociations taken as real. Who believes that the deceits of the 'Enemy' must be studied, acquired and used against them - is already the thing they say they hate. For the 'goal' is set to justify any means - but a goal set by terror is aligning everything negatively - as is becoming apparent even in 'mainstreamed-mind'.

In reply to CF's commenting:

The monstrosity that is the MSM, truly boggles the mind. How can they live with themselves? All these lies, false accusations and bullsh*t against Russia and Assad and for what? Money? Have they no shame? I guess not or else the would not be the MSM.
If it is seen as a weapon – no more, no less, then it serves that purpose in those who use it.
The capacity to lie with conviction is – in my opinion – the worship of the lie AS power over truth. Thus "Truth is Dead. Never Existed and is thus only what power dictates".
Power corrupts because everything is redefined in its terms and to serve its ends.
Money is also weaponised and is not an end in itself.
Bear in mind that the brutal suppression of others by conquest and enslavement is nothing new. It has not suddenly started happening – but the illusions that have covered over its acting out are disintegrating.

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