Thursday 11 April 2024

Conditioning - Teaching & Learning

Conditioning - Teaching & Learning

Upon reading an article on Off Guardian

What if it’s all long-term conditioning?

Why we should learn to think in longer time-spans. by Axel BC Krauss


on the sense of a long term conditioning agenda - rather than a specific issue (covid). I felt to just write a 'heads up' for a resource that in my view holds key insights for releasing or undoing the mindset of a blind manipulative defence system.

A Course in Miracles is a course in mind training - but to the goal of changing our mind about our mind. For by conditioning is a mind set in a conflicted belief system where illusions of escape compound the 'problem' of authority' By which true authorship is usurped by a tyrannous will set in protected fallacies.

Many are attracted to it as inspirational - which it is, but also fundamentally frustrating as a thought system by which to extend a false sense of self-creation. New wine doesn't fit the old paradigm.

The manipulations of others operate through our own 'back doors' that are in effect resonant attractors to a shared 'learning' - such as the game of victim & victimiser.

Uncovering our own 'ego-in-act', is then a recognition and release of blocks to a grounded and felt peace of being, that run as automatic or conditioned 'defences' against exposure fear of pain of loss - stamped by a past set in grievance, masked by appeals for sympathy, self-justifications & diversionary strategies of obfuscation and concealment.

The Course holds a mirror to the 'dynamics' & devices of an ego of mutually reinforcing self-delusions running as compellingly 'real' - yet only as a basis to nip the mindset in the bud from an awakening discernment rising from acceptance rather than abnegation of freedom & responsibility.

Therefore it is completely un-understandable to the ego framework - in which pain sickness, war and death are all 'understood' as certainties from which to draw an inheritance or authority within power struggle.

Of course its all conditioning - or to put it another way, what we think frames what we do and thus demonstrate or teach and thus learn. But having learned 'attack' as a basis for 'salvation' or survival and control, as a mask of love or care - albeit weak, frail and under constant stress, we cannot of ourselves see we attack our own peace and deny our own freedom in an 'othered' world.

Masking , distancing and attacking, framed in guilting or gaslighting controls, locks down to a death in life, lockstepping under tyrannous dictate.

But can Narcissus be induced to look up from a fascination (love) in horror and fixated addiction to the seeming 'dynamics' of conflict?

Wednesday 10 April 2024

Mind Control?

Mind Control?

Neuralink Does Not Read Minds and Never Will – OffGuardian

#1 Victim-Victimiser Projections set in mutually reinforcing hidden bonds

The wish for externally applied 'solutions' runs a diversionary by-pass from truly addressing inner (relational) conflict. Not only as a seeker, but as a seller.
The seller is then seeking for the opportunity to 'sell' to the extent of profiling targets for the leverage to the approaches that will set false solutions upon the inner narratives or archetypes of self-lack and self-conflict. And so progress to nurturing & cultivating conflict as a captive revenue stream of unwitting sacrifice in exchange for false solutions given identity investment.

This leads to thescience as the 'authority' of accepted models, theories or cybernetic systems of such 'facts' as the arbiter of truth targeted to modelling risk, threat or danger, to propagate or hype via Media, to leverage emotion, attract funding (redistribute or divert funding) as the leverage to shape thescience for exploitative tech 'applications'. All of which operates as 'Insider knowledge' for what became a protected class, by the possession & control of the means to feed or choke off  financial, legislative & regulatory support.

PR for investors magnifies claims, stakes out patents and touts for business - always latching onto or incorporating the perceived 'benefits' in terms of a 'social good'. Whether any of its products actually work as stated is questionable as are negative effects -whether stated, concealed or implicit. But when touted to the Public as an investment of faith (in thescience or in wishful or magical thinking is all one) - that investment is no less protected than that of the capital investor, their stake. As if evident to readers who did NOT succumb to the suggestions or commands of a Media Mass Hypnosis set in shock tactics. For those who have taken the bait are set by their own beliefs in certainties of emotional reactivity set beyond question.

So amongst all the biotech 'revolution' of genetic dogma, transfections, nano-tech hack & hijack of biofield, and directed energy weapons of mind control - what can truly be established real - or is found to be operating on bent & bought science as the oracle for the voice of God's-replacement?

I decided to put anything in (brackets) that I cannot directly recognise or appreciate - in the trust that I know what I need to know now and so more will be revealed as it is needed - or released of any need if not.
An alternative is to react emotionally & imaginatively to stories or belief of others as if they are true - and then be framed within such fallacies or imaginations given power - as a basis to escape or overcome them.

The masking (of) reality is what we call our minds - which operate - or have been allowed to run as fallacies or imaginations given power for the development and protection of the masking defence - a gain of fiction - running as a functional ego in a realm of 'imaged self' and 'imaged reality'.

The technology of control modelling pertains to the mind's capacity to project the line of its own thinking - as distinct from extension of the Thought of  Creative/Creation - that is associate with felt or experiential qualities of inspiration, appreciation, recognition - that cannot BE quantified or defined but as symbols can represent or point toward. yes also being symbols, can be recontextualised as a 'name taken in vain' - or masked in as presumption of status or qualification.

Self-illusion is not a sin, but identifying in the mask of appearances will attack messengers or witnesses for truth as 'survival against perceived threat'. Thus reversing the Natural Order for a conflict driven, sacrifice demanding  control system. In this sense sin is active as a delusional split mind - that cannot know what it does, as it does unto Itself - upon the othered.

If we would know our Purpose we need observe our results, that is, our relationships and our world. Because it is valid feedback in terms of giving and receiving - excepting to a mind that wants to project its denied, hated, feared or shamed unworthiness - out onto others - and believes it has thereby escaped, or by attack, overcome.

The article is great btw. The tooling of the mind by its own thought is where we are phished by our own imaged thinking. Fear can run contagious as victim and victimiser- for shadows can and do align in reciprocal bonds. If it can be imagined, it can be experienced. But regadless of what may be possible on some level to be-live -0 do you WANT it?

That is the question whose honest answer aligns decision and thus undoes conflict.

#2 A Non Physical Basis for Mind as Possession or Control

What exactly is the evidence for left and right brains performing this or that?
According to Crichton, it comes from one small survey of people with brain damage but when tried on the healthy it didn’t repeat (gotta love that scientific method!). Maybe there’s further evidence since he wrote about it? Like him, I’m no specialist in this field but it looked a dubious claim.

We can observe the patterns in our own consciousness - without requiring the neurological model as an authority of explanatory support'.

In UrText of A Course in Miracles, 'possession fallacies' (identity conflicts) underlie perceptual distortions (& behaviours).

Possession limited to bodies. (Body as a getting mechanism or weapon-and separating device).
Possession of and by things.
Possession by 'spirits' (projected denials).

(The belief runs equally as fear of dispossession).
Uncovering or dispelling fallacies releases to awareness of the always already (but obscured) truth.

Attempts to systemically schematise life to maps or models of predefined predictability must extend a predicate decision, guess or assumption.
The usefulness of a tool to break out of a vicious spiral, is not a basis for raising above question- ie making all else subordinate to its worth-ship.

Our ability to mask a sense of self-lack, self-conflict and selfishly blind or loveless & destructive or depleting motivation, to ourselves and others, is also a socially reinforced 'identity' of conditioned 'self-protections' that use external projections for inner evasions and denials.

A scientifically tooled linguistic mind polarises to quantified systems of assigned 'social' value or utility - hence gender as a variation from a neutered abstraction to a scale of identified values, instead of the relational experience of gender as the field and interplay of complimentary exchange.
Robot replacement is an inside job.

If I might jump from job to Job - the Satanic tempt or wager ran the claim that Man (God's Creative Creature) is but a robot.
Satan then 'tested' Job to gaslight Job into denial of living faith for social guilting inclusion, but Job did not accept it.

Jesus exemplifies that same refusal to support socially reinforced moral guilting or 'scapegoating' under a god of loveless dictate masked as the 'moral dictate'.
(Which may well have been a necessary adaptation or accommodation of law under far more brutal or catastrophic conditions). Tribal coherence (Law) was essential for physical survival, underpinning consciousness development.

#3 Crude 'translation' maps of association.

“Besides the huge medical issues of implants and the left brain points made, there’s another huge issue with trying to read thoughts or implant thoughts.
 We all code information differently based on our past experience which structures our brain. 
We all have a different “language” or format of the way we store and process information in our brains.
Thus, there’s no easy way to read or write memories and thoughts.
The furthest they got is crude. Zapping certain areas to induce or inhibit certain areas can change the way information is processed. It’s sort of like how trauma can wire the brain.
However, this is like banging your computer randomly in order to get it to open up your browser etc…. It’s brute force garbage.

I think this is a key point – we are all unique expression not just of the Creator/Creative – but of the catastrophic breakdown of connected being – ie Separation trauma – by which we acquire, learn and adapt a masking ‘identity’ within a collective social focus of conflict displacement and evasion.
In this way we auto-map our inner conflicts to others as self-protective strategies by association – much of which runs ‘below conscious notice’.
This runs a ‘getting mode’ that can seem loving when each gets what they bargained for – yet turns to hate in an instant if the terms are broken.
The nature (nurture) or tech-man is a replicant – or a replicator of what is already life, into systems of definitions serving predictive control as gain of function.
Thus the model for control needs only map to manipulatable perceptions & behaviours. It doesn’t need to ground in reality to access the experience of ‘making life in its own image’.
In fact it MUST deny reality to access such an experience – and induce another to ‘share in the same fruits’ so as to ‘see reality through virtual eyes – and repel all incoming messengers!
Narcissus as a ‘possession’ of a mind phished by its own image, thought and identity.
The need for a real relationship outweighs temporary discomfort!


"Everything is a Lie!" ?

"Everything is a Lie!" ?


A standalone reflection on a subverted awakening

The shadow-side of those who claim to be awake runs in the acceptance of "You are being lied to!" as the truth of their awakened status.
But instead of awakened curiosity as to
'why or how would I - (or anyone) - want to buy into and believe destructive fallacy in place of true fulfilment of being?'
The position of supremacist operates to claim 'truth' as basis to demand proof.
For everything is made a lie when no truth is recognised, accepted and shared in joy & gratitude for being.

Mind control always starts at home, in our own life, as a basis for engaging a matrix of manipulations that I generally use the term 'ego' for - as it isn't truly alive but only runs on the life we give it - as if to get thereby some gain of function - or indeed fiction.

The mind in living service is of a different nature. There true authority because we do not author or create our own existence. However our concept of Creator will reflect our current consciousness - ie a 'controlling or coercive god' that is also 'loving'. (Or a non existence in which matter forms a genesis of code instructions)

Thinking is a sign of God - even to think ill or poorly. Awareness through thought is a focus for consciousness beholding All That Is. A focus set through a glass darkly perceives a world in opposition, competition and conflict. As a tool it can serve the purpose of its maker, but as a tooled mind we no longer know what we do, for the self its use grew in us is false.

The prodigal son 'runs a head' with a mis-taken set of inheritances that inexorably spirals to a state of desecration, desolation and despair. Bottoming out is not merely a bad time, but utter wretchedness revealed - without a thought to hide in. Yet that is the very instant of recognition & remembrance. Why? Because you are not the thing you observe, judge or thought to become. Nor ever truly were. Though the mind recoils, the heart knows. And there's a basis for serving rather than leading the heart.
But not the 'heart' of a love set as weakness, frail or broken. But of a willingness to ask in faith of love for truth recognisable in place of a conflicted & fragmented 'peace'.

Bio-Field interactions as the Terrain of what we model as DNA theory?

Bio-Field interactions as the Terrain of what we model as DNA theory?

Is your DNA an EMF antenna?
There are hundreds and hundreds of studies showing that our wireless wonderland of EMF is not good for our health. But you might ask: Well, HOW? When we say "EMF", we're talking about many different types of electromagnetic waves, different frequencies, different power levels, and so on. How could it possibly work? It turns out that the answer may very well be in our DNA!

I sense that DNA is a physically deterministic human model for the (energetic) structuring of water from nanoscale upwards as part of both physics, bio-field and psyche. Everything does after all - happen at once - and is not divided up into our limited schemata or mind-models. Such structuring organises 'matter' ie proteins, conductivity, (life).
Expanding the Funded & invested Model to incorporate anomalous finding is when truth and life are sacrificed to save the Appearances.
Biofield awareness COULD open a consciousness shift to an conscious Universe - but not in the sense of ego 'consciousness - which is itself a model or thought structure through which a self-representation is generated around a focal point of specific associations.

The issue of susceptibility has a lot of the nature of resonant matching - as some kind of energetic 'handshake' or exchange. Physical determinism postulates external causation.
Psychic determination postulates i-magic or imaging as an alignment of resonance to attention & intention as desire or value fulfilment. A Spiritual Causation is prior to a synchronicity of 'cause-event' that is masked out by ego-centric 'consciousness' - which is essentially lack-driven rather than value-extending fulfilment.

the structures of our mind that reflect our world - as through a glass darkly - are invisible to us while looking out from their assumptive or conditioned beliefs. the dissonance arising from our technical extensions of our own 'machine thinking' is breaking down our 'masking signal' such as to reveal us to ourself in ways that pops our bubble - with potentials for psychotic breakdown. Anything that helps to restore a true connected integrality of being also serves a re-integrative or healing process of shifting from an egocentric habit to a truly conscious receptivity - from which the transmission of our true signature vibration is restored. What belongs to you cannot be taken away or denied but by your free will. What isn't or doesn't cannot be held onto or truly owned & lived regardless of any intensity of will brought to bear. But we can open deep hurt from such conflicted identity, which can operate a distorted or split mind of giving and receiving dissonance or contra diction to the word of our heart's knowing.

The current intentional framing of science is invested for marketising and weaponising gains of function - ie it kills the baby or creative in order to bolster a fixation in worldly power, set against fear of loss of self as invested in externally aligned possession and control. The desire to heal is not an abstracted generality of the public good masking as a permission for what we are activated by or attracted to. But self-honesty does not need to mask it desire or intention - for the desire or enthusiasm is a gift, not an artifice or role.

Sunday 31 March 2024

A Day In The Life - X - Twitter 2024-03-29

A Day In The Life

 X - Twitter 2024-03-29

It is my predilection to look within the ordinary moments & current issues for a revealing of depth - to the underlying assumptions & beliefs to themes that are not given awareness because we live their results as our 'reality-experience' or world.

 No matter what the apparent subject matter of any issue there is a re-integrative way of seeing as well as an intuitive perspective to live from.

Machine -love?

Once the extension of living culture as a felt & shared value is subordinated or sacrificed
to systemic predictive codes of control everything becomes a socially engineered construct to the mind of such a willingness for masking manipulations as substitute for life.

Rapsta Put-down

When rap came out I heard the playground put-down given a loudspeaker to run uninterrupted so as to breathe in the embrace of its own curse as counter-power.
A framing of creative flow+spontaneity caged in a glamour of violence?
Humour can release & re-frame the put-down?

Climate Corpse?

The Imperious Climate corps is an engineered restructure of hackable human using guilted fear as its OS via & lockstepped corporate+institutional capture.
Wealth disparity (debt slavery) is the ratcheting 'climate' under which non compliance is cancelled & compliance lobotomised.

Banker takes all?

Ownership in legal terms is increasing revealed to nest in a manipulation of fictions.
By manually crashing such a rigged 'Economy' the owners (protected class) take all.
I expect they wont and cannot share the spoils - so they must turn on each other - if not already doing so.

Soundtrack for a lie?

While rap music an easy target -the use of music for social manipulation is part of the toolbox, but technological extension ran the means for mass formation of 'identity', market-share =mindshare.
A coup needs first to consolidate & capture the broadcasting network to its target

Not how God loves the world we made

God Is the Giver.
His Son Is the Gift all life shares in.
A shared refusal of the Gift runs within the freely Given but can not kill the Son, but denies truth for persisting self-illusion.
Such a 'world' demands+enacts death of love, in sacrifice that specialness take its place.

Jesus  - Love not Sacrifice

In a sense, a Way for not responding to the baited hook of the call to war, calls instead on unconditional love & a restoring of awareness to Creator.
Releasing the dictate of a 'god of death+war' receives greater life. He shows & shares this no less in his living as Way-Shower.

Taxed to Debt-slavery

Taxation now seems to be a compliance in ritual sacrifice - as the creation & use of debt-money runs free of any possible economic constraint to fund whatever 'political narrative' is to be injected into the mass mind?

The Real Thing?

It's not The Real Thing??
Optical illusions reveal the mind that makes a representation & predictive continuity of...?
"something is happening - but you don't know what it is"

Western/Global Fragmentation

What is an individually unique expression of life (if) taken out of true relational inherence (context) to be assigned status under (conflicting) hierarchies of 'meaning' or judged value?

Loss of participation developed a mind-tooling construct as 'gain of function' for persisting such controls

Mis-created Perception-Response

We cannot correct our own errors for we made them by believing them. We can of course accept a relational honesty of correction but active ignorance already 'knows' & so cannot receive.
The +side is we can be-live an experience of our focus in accepted thought.


Without depreciating the specific importance, this litany of hubris, ineptitude & corruption is a signature example of the
'convergence' of global plunder that fronts itself as a world order.
Nor is it a new pattern of human ignorance.
Though taking a global economy down with it.


I haven't met his thought.
A tool extends the mind to then explicate as language, perception and reflected conditioning.
Illich saw the techno marking the end of the tool age, as IT uses, consumes & erases us.
Magical solutions set addictive dependencies as overriding dictates?

An interesting body of work
Illich saw technocracy as enforced 'caring' of an anti-Christ - the perversion of the Christian revelation of love & as such the evolution of a Corporate Church.
Greek philosophy set rationalism over above the psychic participance of the Mysteries...

“The future once promised the certainty of a better life for all but now it is full of uncertainty, danger and fear. Our lives are surrounded by the threats, imaginary or real, posed by terrorist outrages, natural catastrophes and disasters of all kinds. The future is overshadowed by the nightmare of an outmoded humanity overwhelmed by a catastrophe of its own making, a kind of catastrophic grand finale that would mirror the original accident - the Big Bang - that some scientists believe created the universe. A biting meditation on Progress techno-scientific progress, at any cost and without any limits this book defines the ways in which post-industrial science has merged with out-and-out hyper-terrorism to threaten the foundations of Greco-Roman, Judeo-Christian civilization, and the future of the planet with them, through innovation of mass catastrophes that are part and parcel of its panoply of inventions. Urging us to face up to the consequences of our brave-new-world technologies, Virilio calls for the creation of a Museum of the Accident to fight our habituation to horror and violence, and our daily overexposure to terror, in the name, not of some preventive war, but of a preventive intelligence that would help us deal with both natural and artificial disasters”.
~ The Original Accident- Paul Virilio

Resisting Abuse?

There may be a point that complying with merciless abusers who never keep a given word is to be killed either way.
Israel can restock hostages as readily as the Fed can print 'money'.
Do they 'reject ceasefire' or terms dictated?
Complex geopolitic underwrite this killing.


Hate Poisons the Hater?

Love thy neighbour as thyself runs corollary to loving God whole.
The Good Samaritan parable expands 'neighbour' beyond tribal dictates - BUT as a free movement of the Sprit - not enforced 'care' running as 'moral' right by which to deny non compliance.
Hate poisons the hater?

As we accept so can we extend.
I get what you mean about our world.
Is the poison being drawn out from darkness to the light?
We can always get tangled in words as we use them in different ways.
'Release the obstacles to healing....

 -But that's my world!!'

(or so we may think)

I am not aware of any experiments nor recognising what your respond to in what | wrote. Gifts without strings are not experiments. Giving with strings seeks to get thereby -so is a bargain struck -not a true gift.
Give judgement over to the Holy Spirit! or as Jesus-to the Father?

Oh I see - the a-tempt to make reality in our own image as an experiment.
We are created creative & can be said to be given time & place in which to learn how to balance & align the creative (rather than fall for our own imaged thought & reaction. Over and over and over again.

Just Witness

I feel you offer an honest witness & contribution to awareness of issues that extends something of who you have lived and become through your choices - & the love that has guided them. But 'about you?' only if you feel so moved.
Maybe I'm missing your point?


We don't have to think so to judge others from such a presumption.
Gerard's insight into the scapegoat is of a social function that purged guilt & conflict by sacrifice in which victims participated.
But Jesus lived & witnessed to Innocence of being, & now scapegoating is unjust.

But note the attempt to dump or outsource toxic debts & conflicts onto the Other is a signature pattern of our Social restructuring. Yet setting 'restoring Order' by blame-sacrifice fills its world with unhealed denials (compounds problems in
'solutions' (denser layers of guilt).

But no less active as the attempt to dump or outsource toxic debts & conflicts onto the Other. In fact it is a signature pattern of our 'elitist insider class - but setting 'restoring Order' by blame-sacrifice fills its world with unhealed denials (compounds the problem in guilt)

Weaponised Media

What is less obvious is it is being kept in the Media as a deliberate provocation.
The state is more than able to bring people in more discretely if they so chose -no matter who funds +promotes targeted weaponised migration.

Lymph function

Mistaken diagnosis of 'cancer spreading to the lymph glands' could be one.
Gaston Naessens had a very different approach to treating disease. he also observed living biology rather than dead models.
Unhealed life-conflict & loss of zeta potential in the blood may be key factors.

So often it is the healing phase that is feared & assigned
Toxin shocks burdens can become toxic habits and toxic burdens.
So while using common sense for hazards I also consider toxic thinking & imbalances that become bad habits.

Yes me too. One of the caveats of Naesson's lymph treatment is its proprietary nature. But rebounding (& no doubt walking) is thought to enhance lymph function.
Ultimately a vibrational process aligns chemistry IMO. Vital

Misappropriated insight

Hindsight is misappropriated insight ;-)
It's true that when our thinking 'uses us' we cant recognise it until free attention rises in awareness. But do we celebrate insight as a gift or judge ourselves-whilst already mitigating the conflict by blaming anything or anyone else?

Though the term can be used to mean various things I simply see the ego as misdirection. regardless the form it takes, I participate at some level. That for me a a basis for curiosity.
But the ego will use the search to hide in searching but never finding. Its a defence mechanism

Average figures of speech

There is no average man - just get to know someone -if you are welcome & see they are unique.
But many use the word love for masking manipulations - a means to get from or use others to fill a sense of lack.
So I don't read the quote as about a true recognition at all.

Its a figure of speech.
But we meet specific people & how we treat them also brings out specific responses.
If we recognised & honoured love we wouldn't need to mask as if we had it!
Did you cause an issue?
You opened a conversation!
I'm sure if we talked together in good will we'd uncover a meaning we can all recognise. Those who merely emulate others are not really aware of another's presence or their own.
But ordinary people live & share a beautiful love each in their own unique ways.
Beneath appearances.



Tuesday 26 March 2024

Totally closed minds run blind to the light of being

Totally closed minds run blind to the light of being


I did comment this into yet another article 'revealing' the totalitarian state. But it was not really to the contents of the article but a framing of our vision that normalises 'ways of seeing' that effectively feed or reinforce our predicament.

Illich wrote that the early Christians (pre institution) held a culture of keeping a bed & a loaf for an unexpected 'guest'. After 100 years or so this shifted to a collectively funded hostel. A living relational encounter in the Spirit is organised to a utility of convenience or efficiency. The Christian Church-originally fluidly adapting and adopting to local 'colours' or cultures of ritual liturgy became the prototype Corporation that centralised & developed organisational abilities to become the Corporate-State of required 'worship' along with penalties of exclusion as the idea of a divine mission to enforce a 'loving and just society'.

Illich regards this 'structural' usurping of a relational extension of a living - I might say holy encounter - as the scientifically rebranded 'state' extending a corporate structure of identity as compliance - as an Overton Window of social access, inclusion or survival.

And in interviews near the end of his life saw it as the anti-Christ - the perversion of the Christian Revelation (Love of God & Brother as one).

He also recognised it as an inevitable result of our deep but active ignorance - as a grievous error that would reveal us to ourselves in the sense of a bottoming out - or Prodigal turnabout.

I felt to sketch my sense of that view to illustrate the role and nature of structure in our consciousness and thus our world, as a potential usurper of identity by which we are phished - in a direct correlation to the archetype of the Fallen Angel - which is also Narcissus, in terms of exchanging or discarding a living relational participation for a self-imaged conceit or concept of self, world and 'relationships' which become something to get from, or get rid of, onto. Taking thought for our 'self' is to set the Law of being in reverse because my true or original self is the gift of a reflected love - not in terms of emotional manipulations but energy of attention and intention freely given and freely received - without coercion.

Running contra to our Nature - in concept if never in truth - generates oppositional conflict as an innate alarm or dissonance arising from such a condition, and thus a call to release & realign. The ability to mask pain is the capacity to put a call on hold while attending other priorities. Outsourcing the masking defence of such priorities (if it be thy will) develops an 'ego' or self-image in masking defences against exposure to pain that became associated with guilt for engaging persistent self-will at cost of awareness and participance in a felt connection to life - such now as to operate as a terror of block and boundary against realignment and connected perspective. The human 'self-conditioning' becomes an accepted 'reality' in which to compete for position within its archetype of a closed finite and disconnected 'system'. It is but our mirror, yet to which we are for the most part compelled to look upon, while seeing only a meaningless world upon which to seek to act out fantasy fulfilments that -for all the hit or thrill of a moment - dont. But will set up patterns of dependency and addictive 'getting' as a masked priority that keeps us too busy to look within.

Within the moment at hand!

A mind fitted to structure cannot see or hear - for it must see and hear something Else!

In all respects we are creative beings, but the nature of creation is not ingenuity set to the solving of 'problems' though it can be harnessed to mask them in ever new 'solutions'; the creative act is the decision or act of the acceptance of a gift, that by expressing or embodying through us reveals us to ourself and to each other & our world (field of relations).

Mis-creative mind cannot know itself truly in the a tempt to make reality in its own image. But nor can it correct its own error while be-living that it can and has done this.

A light must enter a mind that had effectively made it unwelcome - an interference, a violator, a source of pain & shame to be denied, cast out and attacked - even asymptomatically! - that is as a predictive control mechanism of existential survival, running in our name, but not of our true nature.

That the self-conflict turns upon itself is hardly surprising, for that is its starting place.

Nothing truly leaves the mind of its thinker, but we can believe we can, have and do operate autonomous from the Field of All relation. But it never is or can be, however much priority we give to cutting our strings and becoming a 'real boy'.

Reality is always already the case but our awareness of reality is through our own. The Gift of Existence may seem to be cast in a Big Bang or Separation trauma, in the Theatre of our current focus of attention and intention.

Who has eyes to see - free awareness and attention?

Where is the gift of sight?

Not in a double bind!

Tuesday 12 March 2024

The Con Troll of Mythstory

in response to the themes in:

Net Zero, the Digital Panopticon and the Future of Food by Colin Todhunter

The Con Troll of Mythstory

A corruption of thought underlies legal and financial corruption. Unless we recognise our stake in the 'father of the lie' we will persist in its mutating derivatives of false or forced 'solutions'. This is not to say that we cannot address the errors in the evils of the day thereof, but that is where we need identity (and withdraw allegiance from) false routes & branch lines to nowhere running on false premises as if to gain function by following false profits. That frees us to live from a truth we do not manufacture by defining in terms of predictive control.

From here we choose where to stand within the world of our own unfolding in giving and receiving a consciously felt giving & receiving - for in this is true currency for justice of error correction, in place of vengeance worshipped for a 'self-vindication' that delivers us not from evil, nor healed to full flowing gratitude for joy in being.

Maximising love opens a qualitative undoing or healing of the optimal survival strategy running under gain of fiction. For which we have addictive and compulsive patterns of thought,perception & response by which to short-circuit communication as one who 'already knows' and has no need to ask.

And the dish ran away with the spoon!

Intoxicated or phished to mis-taken identity by our own thinking.

If we cant control directly it is othered or distanced to a realm of Other that we seek to manipulate or regain power over by variants of attack, denial & control.

But All the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn't put Humpty together again.

That is - a true wholeness of being underlies an a-tempt or wish to force a gain of fiction or grasp reality as possession and ...control.





in response to the themes in:


Manufactured reality is by definition a replica or modelling of and not a substitution for, reality.

Reality is Self-Evident or Self-Revealing - in that it is not withheld.

Manufactured constructs by definition focus on weighted specifics that determine priority, prominence or absence from the model.

A democratic 'reality' shares in its fruits or consequences, according to the aggregate of votes - of captive mindshare - staked in manipulations of a staked investment in divergent models - as IF competing truths rather than competition to take the position of manufacturing the truth to gain the function of a fiction given power by sacrifice.

Saving the model or appearances is a form of 'saving the world' in terms of stakeholder investment.

Jesus parable of the tenant landlords applies.

Killing the messengers of truth is attack on our own true sustenance - regardless they are pre-emptively demonised for targeting unhealed hate.


Wednesday 28 February 2024

The ego of self, imaged

 The ego of self, imaged

The ego of social masking can be observed as a way of seeming to join without really meeting.
Its characteristic function runs evasion & fear of intimacy of being. Thus it offers a realm of substitution in which bodies are used as masks and distancing - so as to permit reducing aspects of masking or distance subject to terms and conditions of avoidance. Can you see the pattern?

This can be represented (eg: Plato’s Cave) as a screen projection of dissociation from unowned, unhealed conflict. Conflict is then used as the lens for the projection of a virtual model of invested ‘reality-adjustment’ or control. Guilt operates as the basis for exclusion or withdrawal of support, as a covert identity of agreement to separate - or rather NOT to extend or accept intimacy of true presence.
So isolation and lack are drivers of a realm set for ‘getting’ life from ‘others’.

But “I am come that ye might have life more abundant” signifies the re-cognition of love in place of ‘self-justified hatreds’ rationalised as all the valid, provable reasons to be suspicious, withholding, and thus seek & find ‘what’s ‘wrong’ with everything as a pre-emptive denial of an Innocence of being that is thus masked over and distanced by layers of nested defences that set ‘rabbit-holes’ of infinite diversion - and thus serve as defence against knowing our Self or another in truth - with nothing added nor taken away. Such is an Innocence of being that stands prior to the generation of guilted conflicts of a house divided against itself.
“Before Abraham was I Am” is not a personal claim to specialness, but an undoing of self-specialness to the wellspring of Infinite Potentials of which everything is a unique expression - but unrecognised as such through a glass darkly.



(These reflections came up in context of an interview with Mattias Desmett)

about truth & honesty as ethical principles, at the transhumanism panel.

Monday 26 February 2024

Participance is felt, known and shared as qualities of being

Participance is felt, known and shared as qualities of being

 in response to the themes in:

(Barfield held that the evolution or unfolding of consciousness underlies the 'world' we then experience and believe real as its result or fruit) 

Participance in God's Mind is not optional!
Consciousness of integral inherence is - or rather can be framed and masked over - by a shared focus in accepted definitions of meaning as significance. Such is a symbol or image of the Word going forth, which is one with its fruits be-lived.
The Word of God is Creation - but not in the sense of our own object-thinking of self set over and apart from it fruits.
To have (knowing as being) give all to all - can be also pointed to in the phrase 'judge not'.
The lines of an alloyed human framework of mis-creation are through imaged idea constructs as the lens through which we think to know, to live under the terms & conditions of a split mind that knows not what it does, as a means to 'become' in its own image. This operates a counterpoint for developing consciousness in bounded & bonded terms, as if the meanings we gave are locked down and lockstepping as a masking reality that 'wont come off - nor can be escaped from within its own predicates.
The developing consciousness has a segregative movement as a 'self-will' operating blind ("I Want It Thus!") to the re integrative movement of healing, undoing and releasing as acceptance & appreciation for being.
True resonance is to breathe as one with and within the breath that moves over the waters enlivening all that is. We behold it is very Good! as revealing love of which we are uniquely 'signatured' as all that we are, given & received as one.
The Prodigal does not receive punishment for the mis-taking of a false inheritance, but its own conflicts serve the re-Cognition of Father as a basis for living service without terms and conditions of assumed 'entitlement'. So as to be repurposed from the ego of a driven self-image to a willingness of receiving wholeness into conscious awareness such as to serve the re-integrative inclusion of a segregative 'lost sheep' that can not but follow a mind set of masking defences raised against fear of pain of loss, to make a world set over and against reliving Separation trauma by casting out to Get Rid of - rather than to sow & reap.
Girard identified the sacrificial nature of a masking social order predicated upon attack on God (& thus His Son). A Course in Miracles identifies this can only occur in concept or symbol acted out on the mind's use of bodies (image & form) as substitute for real or indeed holy relationships.
To become lost in or phished by our own image is Narcissus. Are we by default consenting to becoming an in-silico 'flower' as the logical outcome of ancient hates set in overriding defences against 'loss of a self' set by grievance?
If unconsciousness needs war to maintain conflicts by which to boost defences can it ever deliver more than a temporary illusion of escape in solutions that compound the problem in terms that cannot then be addressed where it is - in our heart?

Thursday 22 February 2024

An unhealthy pursuit of magical health

An unhealthy pursuit
of magical health


 Written into the themes of

(Various Q&A on health in the context of re-evaluation after global medical fraud).


Whatever we seek and use to magically relieve or 'scape us from unhealed, unowned/denied fears, shames, relational guilt-conflicts &etc

(which can also run collectively in families and cultures)

is used to mask over as a controlled, ruled fear of life running 'out of control' - resulting in the reliving the pain or terror of past trauma or separation conflicts.

Loss of a felt connectedness is a dissociating fragmentation reframed under All the king’s horses and all the king’s men - (a modelling of externally ruled life as core survival set to regain a lost golden age or pre-separation state).

BUT- this casting out of the unwanted, hated or feared as if to GET RID of it, runs the casting director of its unconscious projection Out and Away from a core sense of masking control - presenting both to ourself and to others for reinforcement - to run invisibly as sense of pre-emptive self protection to a life & world framed by fear & threat.

The honeymoon effect is a temporary hit of release and relief from underlying issues until they resurface as conflicts within the arenal of the 'solution'.

This pattern of self-evasion runs to the core of our current sense of self, life and world, and can be seen as a compounding of debts that become toxic conflicts of polarised charge, that operate polarising separations of psychic identity running out of control - in both senses of that meaning. Running out of time and space by which to prevaricate, procrastinate or evade the power of decision as a mind-masking conflict set in a frame of guilting judgements or grievance.

Losing face or presentation of self-control runs as humiliation. This can represent in various symbolic functional associations (that pertain to pre-verbal-rational structures of meaning), such as loss of structural support (integrality of being) in bones, teeth or muscular functions. Even dreams of spitting out crumbling teeth!

But don't rationalise this as an 'explanation' when the pattern gave rise to poor posture, unbalanced dietary choices, socially masked habits of intended un-consciousness in whatever patterns of 'self-adjustments or self-medications' aligned to mask over pain (in the heart - not merely to the body image).

Alignment with integraity/integrity of being is with joy or enthusiasm that extends, radiates or flows of itself BECAUSE we release the inhibitions of a (self) judgemental block of filters and rules that HAD their place in arriving at a point of true willingness to love.

Unselfconscious joy is most effectively blocked by the attempt to DO the mask of its presentation as virtue credits set against a sense of self-hate or denial and exclusion from love & life (That we all carry or we would not be able to maintain a focus in the world that we are in a sense co-creating as effects OF invested judgements given priority over truth-discarded or pushed back and down from an active focus in experience.

Shifting perspective creates fresh experience without demonisation of the past stamping onto our future (of unfolding potential).

The meanings we give set the measure of what we receive. This is completely overlooked in a "physically determined" mind set in manipulating its world, others and self so as to gain 'function' as a covertly aligned sense of protection & control (which includes the use of subjection & victimisation as mitigator, appeaser or basis for 'justifying' retributive vengeance as a self vindicating 'hit' of 'winning').

Blessings on your day!


Monday 19 February 2024

The masking presentation of invested identity

The masking presentation of invested identity

 in response to the themes in:



You note what Putin claims not to understand - why Ukraine was created as a masked impositional identity over competing regional traditional cultures.
This brings out the use or meaning of the term identity, what do we take identity from, but more deepy, what do we give identification to as 'real or true' for ourselves - at any current time or situation.
Invested identity is in effect contracted as a stakeholder in its terms and conditions.
Narratives compete to gain investment of emotional energy as claims or defences for specialness set in justifiction.
But as a theatre of war running covert to a surface perception of events for which they run covertly.

Social masking manipulation uses the contents of our heart & mind to frame or shape it to the design of others - if we so participate or engage unwittingly under an assumption of independence or autonomy that can then be defended against revelation of being a manipulated usurping or phishing of our thoughts and feelings.

Cultural values lived rather than lip-serviced extend as a basis for exchange, sharing and further unfolding of a felt and conscious sense or quality of worth.
Where or what we live from or extend the qualities and nature of will identify us, regardless what we claim to present, believe or defend.
A locked down identity is a mask to which the true is conformed as permission to speak or even think.
The nature of deeply invested masking defences is a tyranny that would operate covertly but cannot maintain such controls without war on life that it must then cast in narratives of justification or moral necessity - to save the mask or face of control to which the Economy at all levels has been consigned as hostage if not sacrifice.
Integrity is firstly a matter of integrative wholeness. Masking over inner conflicts has temporary expediency, but will compound debts & conflicts to critical levels of dissonance and dysfunction. The call to war runs a masking identity, the call to heal opens willingness to extend a shared identification that can only thus reveal as a point of real relationship and communication - for all else is weaponised to 'gain function' by framing masked intent in appearances of 'caring' or virtue.